Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I'm just reorganizing my blog to limit the length of the lists running down the sides of the page. It looks a little odd right now but we'll get used to it.

I did get a chance to tidy up my sewing area so I'm all set for tomorrow morning. My first task is to draft the pattern for my daughter's bag. I'm hoping I can get the whole thing drafted in 30 minutes. Please cross your fingers for me and send lots of positive energy my way!


Sigrid said...

Very good use of the limited space in the sidebar. Like your idea of using a few posts like that.

Lisa Laree said...

I actually looked at my blog this morning and thought about doing that very same thing!

When I get time... ;)

Meg said...


That's me sending positive energy your way.

Paula Gardner said...

I can feel it...I can feel it...
