Tuesday, May 20, 2008

We Have a Winner

Rhonda in Montreal wins the eagle-eye award for noticing my new look. On Sunday morning, I had about 10 inches cut off of my hair. I think the style looks fine, but it's making me crazy! It won't stay out of my face! And I think it's a little boring. It makes me feel like I have to put on nice clothes and makeup and it feels a little at odds with the "nature girl" vibe I try to maintain.

So I'm giving it mixed reviews.


When Ladies Dressed said...

I noticed the minute I clicked on! It's a very chic style! Lookin' good!

Unknown said...

I noticed it right away as well. Very hip. Gotta little Victoria Beckham thing going on there (meant in a good way..not the spoiled princess way..oh well...hopefully you know what I mean). If DH would cooperate I would totally do an asymmetrical bob. Love 'em!

Paula Gardner said...

It's actually symmetrical...it's just tucked back behind my ear. Maybe next time!

Bunny said...

The new do looks great, Paula! I hear ya on the hair in the face thing. Drives me nuts too.

Marita said...

Hey Paula,
it looks great and I totally agree about the maintainance thingy, one instantly feels like one should dress more seriously and put on make-up, it happens to me all the time, I've just got my hair to the length that looks good tied up, hate the feeling when the darn thing gets to my face....now this may last for a while and then all of a sudden I feel like it's weighing me downgzfqjorx and it's hot in summer and it gets "bobbed" again LOL!!!!!

2BSewing: said...

Paula...I like your new style. I know what you mean about getting some hair in your face...some days I end up pinning mine back because I just can't stand it. I think the shorter haircut is easier to maintain and dries quicker. You look great!

Sue said...

The worst combo is a windy day and lip gloss!

Dawn said...

I love bobs like that! I think it looks great. You can barrette it back out of your way.

Meg said...

a) Your new hair looks great, very contemporary

b) Glad you and DD got that issue resolved and I give her credit for reading your blog (none of my family members are remotely interested in mine)

c) Happy your dad is ok

Tamara said...

Your hair looks great! I can totally identify with it getting in your way. You will get used to it but it is a big change at first! I had very long hair until I had kids then I chopped it all off.

Rhoto said...

Rhonda in Montreal