Friday, May 9, 2008

An Experiment

Evidently I'm not the only person who struggles to fit sewing into busy days. I know that Kat, Sherril and Jemima Bean have all posted recently about the things that keep them out of their sewing rooms. I need to find a way to fit in some sewing every day, without letting the sewing grab more than it's allotted share of time.

I know I said a week or so ago that I was just going to find some time to sew everyday, even if it was just for a few minutes. What I found was that that was too open ended for me. I could find a few minutes, but 10 minutes soon became 20, and 20 became 40 and 3 hours later, I realized that it was time to go to bed and the dinner dishes were still in the sink.

So here is what I intend to try. Starting on May 15th for 30 days, I'm going to devote 30 minutes - and only 30 minutes - each week day to sewing. I think it will be interesting to see how much I can actually accomplish on that kind of schedule. I've always relied on large blocks of time to finish sewing projects so it will require some creative planning on my part to make it work, as well as trying some new methods and techniques to streamline my work.

I'm giving myself one free day each weekend on which I can sew as much as I have time for - that will usually be Saturday - and the other day I'll be back to my 30 minute limit.

I'll be posting here daily about my progress, just a quick blurb to hold myself accountable. I'm sure you all have some strategies for finding time to sew, and I'd love to hear about them here.


Keely said...

Umm, no strategies here but I'm keen to hear some! What I do do, both for the computer and sewing time, is have a 60 minute timer that I set if I'm time constrained. Then I just have to get off when the buzzer goes.... but that's another problem!
BTW I've tagged you. See my blog for details.

Unknown said...

I think you'll be surprised how fruitful 30 minutes can be. I think you'll also discover how tough enforcing your time limit might be. :) Look forward to reading more about your efforts to find time to sew without compromising the logistics of "in real life."

Tamara said...

I thing the 30 minute idea is great. You can fit that in anywhere. I have trouble stopping once I get started too. You will really have to be disciplined on this. :) I am very interested in seeing the outcome of your experiment. It will be fun to see all your accomplishments at the end of the month.

Paula Gardner said...

I am a slow sewist. I'm not sure what kind of results I'll get but I guess I'll find out.

Bunny said...
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Bunny said...

Before retiring I had a position requiring 60 plus hours a week for years. I made all my suits, blouses, and coats for work. I figured out I would never have big blocks of sewing time with that schedule so I got up a half hour earlier, 5:30, every day. I used that half hour to sew without interruption. I got so much done. I definitely had a problem calling it quits at minute 30, but managed. Many was the morning I wantede to call in sick to work. That was not quite my style, either. So that is how I managed. Now I am blessed with large blocks of time and a dedicated sewing space so I get a LOT done easily. But I am amazed at those who get even lots more done and work. I figure they are sewing on their lunch hours.
I will be following your journey closely. Wishing you the best with this. Now, when do I get to yell at you for not using that serger??? They can be very intimidating, but a manual and an uninterrupted afternoon will have you making best friends with the best. You can do this, Paula!

Bunny said...

I am confused. I deleted my post after copying the content. I then corrected the spelling and reposted. It came up with the same spelling errors. Sorry. I will figure this out yet.