Thursday, June 5, 2008

More About Daughters

You've already met Becky, my oldest daughter. Today I'd like to introduce you to Jennifer, my youngest daughter. Today we are pretty excited because she's been selected as a semi-finalist in the National Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP).

NHRP is administered by the College Board, the same organization that administers National Merit and Advanced Placement. While NHRP Scholars don't receive a scholarship like National Merit Finalists do, many schools do offer scholarships.

This could be huge for us. We've always planned on paying for college and we can certainly do so. But a fat scholarship would sure make things easier. I did some checking online yesterday and many schools offer full tuition scholarships to NHRP scholars. Schools like Arizona, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. And smaller schools like Westminster College, Knox and Bowling Green.

Jennifer is smart but what sets her apart from a lot of the other smart kids is that she has worked super hard in school since about the second grade. Her drive and focus are staggering. This is a child who has never needed nagging to get her to do her homework. And she swims and plays the violin!

The final word will arrive in September, not so far away, but the suspense is killing me already.


Anonymous said...

Yay daughters! Yay smart daughters! Yay smart hardworking daughters!!

Paula Gardner said...

Connie, if anyone should know about daughters, it's you!

goodworks1 said...

Bragging about your daughter(s) is definitely good! I should know--I've spent about 34 years doing it! :D

Marita said...

Can't agree with you more than that ladies:-) Go daughters!!!!!

Meg said...

Fingers crossed for DD!

Bunny said...
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Bunny said...

Gran felicitaciones a su hija! Su orgullo es justificado. Es increible como ciertas ninas tienen la gran vision de sus futuros. Come dice mi esposo, la manzana no cae lejo del arbol! Yo creo que ella va a tener un gran futuro. Por favor, disculpe mis palabras porque no recuerdo como usar los accentos y enes en la computadora.

Rhoto said...

Gooooo, Jennifer!! Keep stretching towards your dreams!!
Rhonda in Montreal