Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Completely Off Topic

I wouldn't be much of a mother if I weren't inordinately proud of my daughters. I actually know more than a few people who surely think I'm overly and irrationally proud of mine.

It just so happens that my oldest daughter, Becky, the lucky recipient of the Maggy London dress I wrote about in yesterday's post, has just made her first post to her new blog, Becky Hartman, Professional Student.

Becky is going to make a wonderful nurse, and I'm looking forward to keeping track of her progress on her blog. If you get a chance, take a minute to stop by her blog and get to know her a little better and leave her a comment if you have the time.


Anonymous said...

testing the comments from wordpress...

The last several times I've commented on your blog my messages haven't posted and I'm trying to figure out why....


goodworks1 said...

Well, that worked fine.

Let me try another way.

(You're welcome to delete these if you like, Paula!)

Anonymous said...

and a third trial...

Paula Gardner said...

You know, I've had comments get lost, too, even to other Blogger blogs. I don't know what happens to them. They probably end up the same place as Sondra's pattern piece.

Marita said...

Paula, to my opinion one can never be too proud of one's children, we should be too, I am of mine too.

Paula Gardner said...

Marita, you are a woman after my own heart. As I've always said, if your own mother doesn't talk about you "that way," who will?

Bunny said...

Enjoy your "proudness". Your daughter sounds like a lovely young lady with admirable goals. I would think her Mom might have had a bit of influence in such a formation. Good job, Paula!